Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Student Agency: Looking ahead one year

According to Knewton, "Student agency refers to the level of control, autonomy, and power that a student experiences in an educational situation" (Student Agency 2014). Kevin Brookhouser describes agency as "having control of your destiny." Agency is giving students power over their learning and a voice in their education. I am proud to work in a school where agency and student voice is not only valued, but encouraged. As a school who has long implemented Project Based Learning, the freedom to guide their own learning and research is a valuable skill taught as early as kindergarten. 

This year, I look forward to bringing back Genius Hour to my classes. Genius hour is an idea based on Google's 20 time where employees are able to spend 20% of their working hours researching, designing or exploring a topic based on their own personal interests. Here's a great video introducing Genius Hour by Chris Kesler. 

I don't quite know the particulars or logistics about how it will fit in to my classes, but it will become a part of my teaching practice as I think it is important for students to have an opportunity to unleash the creativity they have within. 
The last time I incorporated Genius Hour, my teaching partner and I were blown away by the effort, detail and motivation that occurred throughout the process. We had a class with a higher than normal at-risk and SpEd population and even the students with academic challenges created final products that were above and beyond the expectations I could have ever given. 

I have spent some significant time already this summer reflecting on my teaching practice through various graduate courses and the EdTechTeam Teacher Leader Certificate program and while many concepts weren't necessarily new, they are rejuvenating my passion for the craft. There were a handful of strategies and valuable components that I let fall by the wayside as I moved to a new school and a new grade level because I wasn't sure they would fit. I am looking forward to the next year being full of fun, experiential and passionate learning on the part of both myself and my students. 

"Student Agency." Web log post. Knewton. N.p., 12 May 2014. Web. 5 July 2016.

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