Sunday, August 28, 2016

Redesigning the Learning Space

Space has a huge impact on learning. In my work with Quantum Learning, both as a Team Leader for SuperCamp and the three times I’ve attended their teacher training, the first two of their tenets for learning are “Everything Speaks” and “Everything is on Purpose.” This refers to the learning space and even components such as temperature, scents and plants. I think it’s very important for the teacher’s learning goals to be reflected in the space design. Our brain is only able to attend to a finite number of things at a time and when the space around us is distracting or uncomfortable, then those will be the center of our brain’s attention, rather that what is being taught.

My space is set up for cooperative learning science and math work. I have large tables that can be grouped together to create larger work space if needed. I have a Promethean Board at the front with a white board and an ancient chalk board on the right side. I have a small sofa and chair at the front corner and a nonconforming accordion style divider separating our large classroom into two separate rooms. I have several lamps and christmas lights hanging from the ceiling to avoid using the overhead fluorescents as much as possible. I have one medium sized window and a door that opens to the outside. Along the back I have a counter with cabinets (that houses all my science materials) and a sink with a drinking fountain that is more like a bubbling spring.

The main constraint of the space is that it is shared with other teachers. I would like to have more
flexible seating. I also don’t have much flexible wall space to hang content related posters or vocabulary word wall. My space also is relatively small with chairs that take up a great deal of space. There’s also not an easy way for students to use the restroom as they have to go through the adjoining space and interrupt their teaching (the accordion wall is not quiet) or go outside and all the way around the building to enter the front doors (not conducive for quick restroom breaks or during the winter). Depending on the schedule, I may be using a different shared space in the building giving me even less control of the setup without setting up and tearing down before/after each class. I also have to be able to keep the extra chairs in my space as we often open the room and use the whole space for all 54 students.

One change I will make in my classroom is to arrange the tables so that there is flexible sitting space at tables and the floor. I previously had the tables arranged in groups, but I didn’t have a floor space available. I would also like to add a standing bar in the back of the room, but I am not sure yet if I can make that happen.... yet. I will be adding an artificial plant, more lamps and Christmas lights to enhance the ambiance. I also want to label the chairs so that the right number are stacked and put away (instead of by the end of the week having too many chairs out at nonexistent seating places). The biggest goal is to reduce clutter and add ambiance as the basic structure of the room I cannot change significantly because it is a shared space. I have only been at this school for 2 years and I spent a month purging and rearranging before I moved in so this will be more about small changes and modifications.

I don't know, yet, what changes I'll be able to make but I am confident that there will be changes. Stay tuned for an update on the final space!

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